Full Membership Applications from any person(s) living close enough to attend meetings regularly can be made to the Secretary by emailing TheMauchlineBurnsClub@gmail.com
The Mauchline Burns Club meets from October to March on two Tuesdays a month starting at 7.30pm.
Meetings are held at,
Mauchline Kilmarnock Supporters Club
8-12 Earl Grey Street
Why not join The Mauchline Burns Club as an Associate Member for your lifetime by completing and sending the attached form with your subscription of £65 (or 95 euros or $100). Lifetime benefits include:-
No Member of Mauchline Burns Club will benefit from your membership. All subscriptions from Associate Members will be used to improve and preserve ‘Burns–related’ facilities in the Mauchline area. The benefit to you is that you know that you will be providing tangible help with this.
1. The Club shall be called ‘The Mauchline Burns Club’.
2. The Club will be composed of persons who are desirous of promoting a wider knowledge of the poet Robert Burns.
3. The objectives of the Club shall be: The study of the life and works of Robert Burns; the study of Scottish Life and Character; the study of Scottish Literature, Art and Music; the delivery of Lectures etc.; and to assist in the intellectual, Moral, and Social Improvements of its Members.
4. Any person desirous of joining the Club shall be proposed and seconded by active Members of the Club, on appropriate Form, and recommended by the Committee before being approved by a General Meeting.
5. Members shall pay by November formal meeting each year an Annual Subscription, which will be determined at the Annual General Meeting. Only Members whose Subscriptions are paid to date shall be allowed to take part in discussion relative to the working of the Club. Honorary Life Membership may be conferred only at the discretion of the Committee.
6. The affairs of the Club will be conducted by the President, Immediate past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Director of Music, Events Director and seven Members of the Committee, two of whom shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. Six shall form a quorum. No member can be elected in their absence unless a communication is to hand assuring the meeting that they are willing to allow their name to go forward. Honorary Presidents are entitled to attend all meetings, but cannot vote unless voted also to be a member of the Committee under the above Committee rules.
7. The Meetings of the Club shall be held where and when the Committee may decide.
8. There will be no discussion on sectarian religion nor the politics of party.
9. All resolutions for the Annual General Meeting must be intimated to the Secretary at or before the formal meeting preceding the A.G.M. A decision of the A.G.M. cannot be rescinded within a period of six months.
10. When a Member wishes to speak, they must rise from their sear and address the Chairman and other Members present.
11. The Annual Celebration shall take place on the 25th of January of each year.
12. Any Member guilty of improper conduct shall be reported to the Committee who are vested with the authority to deal with the offenders as they may think fit.
13. Should the Club be wound up, all the remaining assets shall be transferred to some other Club or Body with similar objectives to our own and whose constitution contains a winding up clause similar to this one which forbids distribution of assets among Members.
14. It shall be the duty of the President to see that the foregoing rules are strictly adhered to.